Webinar Series: Let’s Talk Advancing Gender Equality

Jan 9, 2019
Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) in partnership with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is conducting a series of three webinars on advancing gender equality in the workplace. Building on and supporting EHRC’s Leadership Accord and NRCan’s Equal by 30 Campaign, the webinars will equip organizations with best practices and tools to help their own organizations expedite the process of bridging the gender gap. They will guide potential or existing signatories on the development of actionable commitments to advance gender equality.
Participants will have an opportunity to hear from industry leaders who have proven success stories, forward-thinking approaches to strategy, and measurable actions plans that organizations can adopt to tie efforts to tangible results.
Dates, topics and speakers are as follows:
• January 16: Moving the Agenda Forward at Alectra Utilities. Speaker: Kathy Lerette, SVP Business Transformation at Alectra Utilities
• February 13: Taking a New Approach. Speaker: Jennifer Ladouceur, President & Co-Founder, Women Leadership Nation
• March 6: Now Let’s Celebrate Success!