This Week We Lost, Tony Talarico From the O’Neil Electric Supply Family

Oct 4, 2019
It is with incredible sadness that we bring you the news of Tony Talarico’s passing.
Tony joined O’Neil Electric in 1974 after founder, Earl, convinced him to trade in his electrician’s tools for a life in the distribution business. Tony was a natural born salesman and he quickly grasped the ins and outs of the industry. Together Earl and Tony made a formidable duo as they laid the foundation for the company culture and the business that continues to flourish to this day. Tony’s natural charisma and determined nature made him a respected competitor and a larger than life character within our industry.
Tony continually re-invented himself within the business during his career. He would always say that the world keeps turning and if you don’t adapt then you can never stay on top. He seemed to have a sixth sense about future trends and a keen ability to turn those thoughts into strategy. But perhaps his greatest legacy was his talent for mentoring next generation employees. His life’s work truly touched and changed countless lives.
Although Tony was the ultimate partner and cheerleader of the company, he was first and foremost a dedicated family man. His love for his wife, children & grandchildren were paramount in his life. He commented recently that although he was on many types of medicine and treatments, the most affective of all was watching his grandchildren play in his home.
Even though Tony’s health struggles dominated most of the last decade of his life, he would never make that anyone else’s burden. Facing the most insurmountable odds he kept his dignity, humour and wit as he battled to the end. Throughout his wonderful life Tony was a true renaissance man and always remained a gentleman.
His O’Neil Electric family will miss him dearly as we take comfort knowing that his suffering is over.