Standard Partners with Habitat for Humanity Canada

Feb 29 2016
As the new national corporate sponsor for lighting, Standard will provide compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) for each of the 250 homes that Habitat for Humanity will be building in 2016 across Canada.
Lighting consumes up to 25% of the average home energy budget. CFL lamps have revolutionized energy-efficient lighting by using roughly 75% less energy than traditional light sources such as incandescent and halogen light bulbs. With the use of these CFL light bulbs, the Habitat for Humanity homes will be more sustainable and continue to provide energy savings to the eventual homeowners.
Standard will also be sponsoring three build days across Canada during 2016. In total, 45 Standard employees will help to build three new homes for low-income, hardworking families in each of Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal.
Habitat for Humanity Canada is a national, non-profit organization working towards a world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live. Habitat for Humanity’s mission is to mobilize volunteers and community partners in building affordable housing and promoting homeownership as a means to breaking the cycle of poverty in Canada, and around the world.