
Sonepar Announces the Retirement of John H. Jenner After an Incredible Career

Sonepar Announces the Retirement of John H. Jenner After an Incredible Career

March 12, 2025

John H. Jenner announces his retirement as of March 31st, 2025, after an admirable career advising and leading Electrozad.

After graduating from the University of Windsor, John started his career as a Staff Accountant for KPMG before spending sixteen years at Howie & Partners, working his way up to becoming a principal of the firm. John worked closely with Bill Smith and Ron Carrigan, advising Electrozad as an auditor, tax advisor, and business consultant.

John Jenner joined Electrozad in July 2008 as the Director of Finance. After helping the company navigate the financial crisis, John was provided the opportunity to become a shareholder in February 2011. At that time, he was promoted to Vice President of Finance and appointed to the Board of Directors as Treasurer. In 2015, he led the amalgamation of the Windsor, Sarnia, and London corporations into “Ezad One,” positioning Electrozad for future success as one stronger company.

Over the years, he became “chief cook and bottle washer and all things in between” and assumed additional roles and responsibilities in Operations, HR, and Finance. In February 2022, he was promoted to CFO and COO.

Throughout his career, John Jenner was very active in volunteering and community support efforts. He was a long-serving board member with Hospice of Windsor & Essex County, The OZAD Foundation, and The OZAD Institute. John also served a four-year term as a Board Member for Electro-Federation Canada.

In his retirement, John looks forward to spending time on the water, enjoying his new grandchildren, and traveling with some hunting and fishing mixed in.

The Electrozad Team will miss John’s wisdom and willingness to advise on business and personal matters. The team thanks him for his contributions to Electrozad and wishes him a happy and healthy retirement.

Congratulations to John H. Jenner, and may he enjoy his retirement to the fullest.


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