Schneider Electric Receives Women in Governance 2018 Parity Certification

Mar 3, 2019
Schneider Electric received the award at a Women in Governance gala event in Toronto. Members of the Schneider Electric team attending the event included Country President Susan Uthayakumar.
Women in Governance, also known as La Gouvernance au Feminin, is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2010 to support women in their leadership development, career advancement and access to Board seats. Parity certification serves to help Canadian organizations increase the representation of women in sectors where they have historically been underrepresented, as well as in senior management positions. This innovative certification not only evaluates parity at the decision-making level of organizations, but also assesses the organization’s commitment to the implementation of mechanisms that enable women at all levels of its hierarchy to achieve career advancement, thus creating a pipeline of female talent.
Any Canadian organization with over 400 employees is eligible to participate regardless of the location of their headquarters or board of directors. With 31 certified organizations, this initiative has an impact on 258,127 employees across Canada; they will benefit from the best practices established by their employers to enable women to progress without glass ceilings or sticky floors.
The parity certification process evaluates
• governance and vision (strategy). To be certified on this dimension, an organization must demonstrate that, through their policies and practices, their strategic direction and key decision-making is inclusive of a progressively equitable representation of women to men. Also, the organization must demonstrate their commitment to achieving parity by setting clear objectives. Finally, it must demonstrate the intention to sustain parity through policies and practices that are building a pipeline of female talent.
• collective enablers (actions). To be certified on this dimension, an organization must demonstrate that its practices, programs and actions are geared to facilitating the progress towards equitable representation of women at all levels, until parity is achieved and sustained.
• equity (results). To be certified on this dimension, an organization must demonstrate that the outcome of its strategy and actions in the area of gender equality results in progression towards equity or parity in the distribution of women to men in the hierarchy of the organization, promotion and hiring and that women at the same level are on average earning a salary equitable to men.
To learn more about Schneider Electric’s diversity and inclusion practices, visit