Power2Feed Update: You Can Still Donate This Holiday Season and Beyond

Since 2008, the Canadian Electrical Industry has been fighting hunger and feeding kids with Canadian Feed The Children (CFTC) through a campaign called Power2Feed (formerly Hungry for Change). Thanks to industry support, Power2Feed has raised over $1.1 million in support of CFTC’s nutrition and food security program and helped tens of thousands of children living in poverty.
This holiday season, visit www.canadianfeedthechildren.ca/power-2-feed-holiday-gifts to see what your support can do and give a child an extra special gift this holiday season.
In the new year, host your own fundraising event such as an office party, BBQ, golf tournament or 50/50 draw for the Power2Feed campaign in support of Canadian Feed The Children. Get started by creating your own event fundraising page, or contact Canadian Feed The Children for assistance. For more event ideas and resources to personalize your event, please visit our Fundraising Resources page.
How one team cycled to success
Find inspiration in a team of committed supporters cycled from Toronto to Montreal for the Annual EFC Conference. Over $39,000 was raised through this exciting challenge, which will support the 2014 Power2Feed goal.
What your contributions can achieve
Here’s how various amounts can change lives.
• $1500 – feed a community. Through the provision of seeds and tools, training on agricultural practices and the planting of fruit trees your support will improve crop yields for a community ensuring greater access to a variety of nutritious foods for all.
• $1000 – feed a family. Supporting a family with livestock like goats and chickens as well as providing nutrition education, nutrition assessments and supplements, your support will help a family in the prevention of malnutrition and improve food security.
• $750 – feed a child. Feed a child breakfast each school day and give them the energy they need to get the most out of the learning opportunity. Your support buys school breakfasts for a whole class for one month in one of CFTC’s international locations – kick-starting kids’ days and putting them on a path to lifelong health.
Donate today: https://cause2give.unxvision.com/P2PWeb/Secure/Donate.aspx?EventId=127&LanguageId=1.