Philips Lighting Shines a Light on Crime Prevention

Philips Crime Prevention

November 9, 2017

York Regional Police has partnered with Philips Lighting and Crime Stoppers on a crime prevention campaign to help homeowners. 

York Regional Police will be distributing 15,000 Philips LED light bulbs to homeowners across York Region. The goal is to have homeowners replace worn-out exterior lights to increase visibility at night. The campaign will also include a handout that provides tips on what homeowners can do to make their houses less of a target for thieves.

“The power of light illuminates people’s homes to keep them safe – with the appearance that someone is home even when they are not,” says Michael Gentile, President and CEO of Philips Lighting in Canada.  “I’m pleased that we could work with the York Regional Police Services Board and Crime Stoppers of York Region to provide our Philips LED light bulbs to the community during the Shine a Light on Crime Prevention campaign.”

So far this year, there have been 900 break-and-enters at residences in the south end of York Region this year.  “We have seen time and time again that thieves are opportunists,” said Chief of Police Eric Jolliffe. “Our residents can quite easily make their houses and vehicles less attractive targets.”

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