Pandemic Recovery Coaching Program for Canadian Manufacturers

August 28, 2020
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC) recognizes the importance of maintaining high level resources, services and support for Canadian manufacturers. In partnership with National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP), and as a result of the pandemic, JP Giroux, President of Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium stated, “EMC is launching a Canada-wide initiative that will leverage knowledge from subject matter experts to support the entire Canadian manufacturing sector in their pandemic recovery. This program will help manufacturers better understand the current situations they face, and identify and deploy a clear path forward. It is imperative that we come together and support the expanse of our manufacturing network.”
Executive coaching and subject matter expert resources are intended to provide individual manufacturers with hands-on support in planning, mapping and deploying steps to normalize productivity, as well as engaging in improvements along the way.
“We can in no way assume the specific challenges, or maybe even opportunities, that the pandemic has caused for each individual manufacturer but this program is an opportunity for them to raise their hand and receive some relevant, funded support,” says Joan Richard, Project Lead.
Included in the program will be an On-line Learning Series for Manufacturers (4 Sessions), of which topics may include Issues effecting Manufacturing – Current State Report, Best Practices for Return to Productivity, A Healthy Production Environment, The Future of Manufacturing – New Normal and the Role of Advanced Manufacturing, Digitization and Automation.
Also part of the program will be Executive or Subject Matter Expert Coaching which may include topics such as Executive or Management Team, Advanced Manufacturing and Technology, Productivity, A Healthy Work Environment, Mental & Psychological Safety, Labour & HR, as well as other topics identified to match the needs of manufacturers.
If you are a Canadian manufacturer and are in need of pandemic recovery support or would like to request more information, please contact EMC’s Training Coordinator.
Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium:
Amy Edwards, Training Coordinator