Ontario Commits $200 Million for Large Manufacturing Retrofits


January 16, 2018

Through the Green Ontario Fund and Ontario Centres of Excellence, the province will make funding available to large emitters and other industrial, commercial and institutional facilities with projects to reduce greenhouse gas pollution in buildings and the production of goods.

The projects deployed through this program will help Ontario meet its 2020 and 2030 pollution reduction target as identified in Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan.

Two streams are available under the GreenON Industries program:

  • the Technology Deployment Stream offers up to $5M in funding for each eligible greenhouse gas pollution reduction project. This stream supports projects involving large industrial emitters where a component of the work may involve a partnership with a solution provider (e.g., clean technology companies)
  • the Large-Scale Technology Deployment and Facility Modernization Stream offers up to $20M for each eligible project. This stream aims to stimulate the deployment of proven technologies and approaches in industrial application to reduce greenhouse gas pollution

Eligible deployment projects may fall into the following categories:

  • industrial point source: technologies that reduce greenhouse gas pollution through more sustainable approaches at industrial production sites.
  • value chain: technologies that reduce greenhouse gas pollution through more sustainable approaches introduced into the industrial value chain. Value chain pollution reduction can occur either upstream or downstream from the large emitter facility. However, reductions must occur in Ontario.
  • carbon capture and utilization: technologies that involve new and innovative uses of carbon dioxide.
  • new net zero or near zero carbon emission projects: new projects that do not contribute to or that minimize increased greenhouse gases of the province (exclusive of offset purchase).

Other categories will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Technologies deployed under the program should be commercially proven and ready for quick deployment to meet targets set out in the Climate Change Action Plan.

Find out more: www.oce-ontario.org/programs/strategic-initiatives/greenonindustries/technology-deployment

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