OmniCable Enters into an Agreement to be Acquired by Dot Family Holdings

July 29, 2018
Omni Cable Corporation, headquartered in West Chester, PA, hs announced that it has signed an agreement to be acquired by a subsidiary of Dot Holdings Co (DHC), which is owned by Dot Family Holdings (DFH), and join its portfolio of companies.
DFH is focused exclusively on acquiring leading middle-market distribution companies with a special interest in master/two-step distribution and any national distribution models. DFH’s approach to acquiring and holding companies for the long term and investing for growth made them an ideal partner for OmniCable. Jeff Siegfried, OmniCable Chairman and CEO, said that DFH understands OmniCable’s core values, redistribution, our logistics expertise, and unyielding pursuit of perfection to service OmniCable’s customers.
“After a thoughtful and diligent process, we are fortunate to enter into an agreement with DFH, an investment arm of the Tracy family, the founders and owners of Dot Foods. Dot Foods is one of the largest and most trusted names in redistribution,” said Siegfried. “DFH and Dot Foods share our passion for customer service and the respect for the distribution channel that is so important to our business,” he added.
“We are very excited to add OmniCable to our Dot Family Holdings portfolio of companies,” said John Tracy, DFH Chairman and CEO. “OmniCable has a record of success and a strong foundation of values that align with ours. We look forward to OmniCable’s continued growth and the shared learning we know will come from this new relationship.”
The transaction is expected to close in a month following the fulfillment of specific closing requirements. As stated in the agreement with DHC’s subsidiary, OmniCable will continue to operate as usual with no changes to the company’s organizational structure, products, services, and mission. OmniCable continues to be the premier redistributor of wire and cable, electrical products, and value-added services for electrical distributors in the United States and Canada.
For more information about OmniCable, please visit
For more information about DFH, please visit