Nominations for the 2022 SCC Awards Are Now Open

September 16, 2022
Every two years, the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) presents Canada’s national awards in standardization. These awards recognize the commitment of individuals, organizations and committees who dedicate their time and expertise in support of Canada’s national standardization network.
Representatives from industry, government, academia, consumer organizations, and the Canadian standardization community are invited to submit their nominations.
Eligibility Criteria
Nominees are required to be actively involved in international and/or national standardization activities such as development, implementation (e.g. conformity assessment), policy, research, and/or technical assistance (e.g. projects assisting developing/emerging economies). Current members of the SCC Governing Council are not eligible for nomination.
All nominations must be supported by the following documents:
- Curriculum vitae (for individual awards) or Profile (for organizational or committee awards)
- 2-3 letters of recommendation (only 1 letter required for the SCC Committee Achievement Award) highlighting why the nominee should be a recipient of the award
The nomination form will ask you to provide examples of how the nominee demonstrates the qualities outlined for the specific award.
The closing date to submit nominations is September 28, 2022.
Selection Process
The Awards Committee considers every nomination received. Selections are made based on the comparison of data submitted against the description of each award.
In December, award recipients will be notified by SCC’s Member Services and will receive a prize package. Award recipients will receive a winner’s toolkit to share this accomplishment within their networks. In response to feedback, we will also notify those who were nominated but were not selected this year.
The 2022 award winners will be invited to participate in SCC’s Signature Event in 2023 (date to be announced).
Data shows that women more frequently do not apply to a job or volunteer opportunity because they do not feel they meet all the criteria. We encourage those who are passionate about developing gender responsive standards and believe they have the skills to contribute and lead in this area, to apply!
List of Awards
Hugh Krentz Award
SCC Corporate Commitment Award
SCC Committee Achievement Award
SCC Young Leader Award
McMahon Dedicated Service Award