Laura Dempsey — A Second Generation of Women at E.B. Horsman & Son

Laura Dempsey

July 12, 2018

By Owen Hurst

Laura Dempsey has been working as an outside sales representative for E.B. Horsman & Son for over 15 years, and is a member of the BCEA U40 network of young professionals. She lives in Langley, BC and is proud of her position and work with E.B. Horsman, particularly as she is the second Dempsey generation to work for the company.

Laura’s mother Shelly has worked at E.B. Horsman for over 25 years, and instilled in Laura a determination to succeed. Laura followed in her mother’s footsteps after witnessing how much her mother enjoyed her work and the people she works with at E.B. Horsman.

E.B. Horsman & Son, founded in 1900, is an independently owned electrical distributor with 22 locations in Western Canada that operates with a family driven approach to employment, which has helped in the success of Laura and many others who work for the company.

CEW had an opportunity to ask Laura a few questions.

What impact would you like to make in your industry?

“As one of a very few female outside sales representatives in the industry, I would like to demonstrate to other women in the industry or trade that having dreams and working hard for your goals pays off if you stick with it.”

What is you biggest work-related challenge right now?

“Finding new people. It is hard to find experienced people in the industry to fill positions, especially replacing potential retirees with long tenure.“

What has been the greatest achievement in your life so far?

“Overcoming lots of challenges to become a successful outside sales representative for a 117-year-old company.”

What do you think is next for your industry?

“The digital age is already among us. The latest industrial revolution is going to continue at an even faster pace.”

If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be?

“I love our Industry, customers, suppliers, and the healthy competition for business. We are a very close-knit group. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

Describe one way in which you effectively separate work from family and personal life?

“I enjoy time away from work with my daughter, usually racing from one sporting event to another. I also love to get away camping and spending time on the golf course.”

Who has been a source of Inspiration or mentor?

“I have had many sources of inspiration growing up in the industry. First and foremost is my mother Shelly Dempsey. Her hard work and dedication to E.B. Horsman & Son has gotten her to where she is today. Rob Baker, our Commercial Sales Manager, and Javi Richmond, Vice President Sales, have also been very instrumental in my growth and are always there to provide advice and support. Last but not least, my dear friend Barbette Igonia, President and CEO of BCEA. She is a mentor to many in the industry, including myself. She is a very well-respected individual in the industry but also a woman who has worked very hard to get where she is today.”

Owen Hurst is Online Editor of CEW.

For more information on E.B. Horsman & Son, visit:

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