Internet of Things Part 2 — Interview with Greg Puschnigg

May 30, 2016

Paul Eitmant

Last month, my IoT (Internet of Things) article covered the basic definition and a few opinions from different research groups. In the last few weeks I had an opportunity to interview Greg Puschnigg, founder/CEO of BOSS Controls LLC headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA. Listed below are his views on how IoT will impact our workplaces.

1. Greg, how did you and your company get started in the IoT market?

I have been involved in wireless and communications for a long time having launched some of world’s first Wi-Fi products while at Intel. Before that I was an electrical officer onboard a Navy ship generating the power. I took this unique background and applied it solving one of our biggest challenges facing the world today, which is getting to a sustainable energy solution. The simple plug and play Wi-Fi smart plug was a simple turnkey solution that everyone understands and can use. There are more than 2 billion Wi-Fi devices used worldwide. The BOSS Smart Plug device is Internet connected and will change the way commercial buildings save energy at the plug load. 

2. How do your products fit into this new and fast growing marketplace?

Some 80% of U.S. buildings do not have energy management or controls. US$60B per year in energy savings can be achieved by implementing simple controls. 

Wi-Fi is the largest universal installed wireless network infrastructure in buildings. It’s also the fastest growing open standard protocol in mobile platforms. BOSS Wi-Fi enabled smart plugs can be monitored and controlled from a mobile device anywhere in the world. With power measurement and built in with autonomous controls, the smart plug saves building owners 50% of the energy at the plug load and connects the devices to the smart grid via the internet. Mobile plus IoT… devices that possess both will continue to favourably impact our workplace, reducing energy and operational costs. 

3. What are the unique product features your products offer vs. similar products in this market place?

Our hardware is not simply a timer as many of the other products found on store shelves. The BOSS smart plugs allow you to measure power, control, optimize, and automate your electric devices with its Atmospheres software platform from virtually anywhere. The real-time and historical data that Atmospheres supplies are a real testament to how much energy we can be saving.

4. How do you see this market affecting all of us in the future?

To compete, businesses will be developing more effectively with smart products. The Internet of Things will let you monitor and control everything from your thermostat to space heaters, to computers and vending machines. Some 99% of all electrical devices are not connected to the Internet. With BOSS Controls smart plugs, we can connect them.

5. What other items should we be aware of to prepare for the future of the IoT market place.

The commercial IoT market is really just beginning. At BOSS, we are an IoT energy management company that is continuing to develop really bright solutions. They will help commercial property owners increase energy efficiency and reduce costs not just at the plug load but the entire electrical grid. It is just the beginning. 


I would like to thank Mr. Puschnigg for his time and effort in the learning process. Again we all should pay attention to the ever-changing products and try to accept this ever-changing world.

Read Part 1: The Internet of Things Is Far Bigger Than Anyone Realizes.

Paul Eitmant is President and CEO of IP Group International, which serves the needs of business-to-business enterprises in over 30 countries worldwide by adding specialized expertise to the business planning and implementation process; Tel: 480.488.5646;

Read more from Paul Eitmant in CEW:
– The Internet of Things Is Far Bigger Than Anyone Realizes
– The Cost of Bad Leaders
– NAFTA Still a Good Show
– On Being an Effective Coach
– The Biggest Risks to Canada’s Economy In 2015 and Beyond
– Networks and Lighting Standards – Follow Up – One Year later
– How Healthy is Your Business?
– Social Media: Is It the Future for the Electrical Industry?
– Customer Service: A Key to Success
– The Right Price to Get the Order — the Last Look
– The Good Old Boys Club “Changing of the Guard”
– Who’s Next Within North America’s Electrical Distributor Channel?
– Generation Y – Next Generation – Never to old to Learn!
– LEDs: the Fastest Growing Product/Market for 2015

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