IAEI Appoints Daniel Langlois as New Chairman of the Board of Directors

November 10, 2023

IAEI is pleased to announce Daniel Langlois, previously long-standing member of the Board of Directors, as the newly appointed IAEI Chairman of the Board. Effective November 3, 2023, Langlois succeeds David Williams, who served as Chairman for the past two years.

“I am truly honored and humbled by the support and trust placed in me by the membership and the IO Board. Being elected to the position of Chairman by my colleagues in the industry for whom I have such great admiration and respect, makes this opportunity extremely special,” said Langlois.

“Daniel Langlois exemplifies everything great about IAEI,” said Rudolph Garza. “He has been a dedicated IAEI member since 1991 and on the IAEI Board for 10+ years. Daniel has served on almost every IAEI Board Standing Committee, chairing many, and numerous ad hoc committees over the years,” added Garza. “His advocating change in IAEI operations and governance is well documented and I look forward to working hand in hand with him in achieving the goals and objectives of the IAEI Strategic Plan.”

Daniel is known for being a loyal and contributing member of the IAEI and has represented the Ontario Chapter, the Canadian Section on the IAEI International Board of Directors as Secretary, International Candidate and Representative to the International Board of Directors.

LinkedIn post by the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI)

IAEI appoints New Chairman of the Board of Directors: Daniel Langlois. Learn more about IAEI at https://ow.ly/ZPOb50Q4OA8.

View the LinkedIn post and announcement by IAEI HERE.

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