How Environmental Sustainability Offers a Strategic Priority for Businesses

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Aug 6, 2019

In 2019, there is increased interest within organizations to become more environmentally sustainable. Corporate leaders face a host of pressures to implement sustainability initiatives. Consumers are more discerning of companies’ dedication to sustainability and use it as a factor when making spending decisions. Investors are also becoming more environmentally-conscious, divesting from carbon emissions-intensive companies and investing in organizations with lower carbon footprints. In addition, an ever-expanding patchwork of regulations at the international, national, state, and local levels impose new demands on companies. More than ever, businesses have a significant strategic interest in reorienting their business strategy and operations to become more environmentally sustainable.

However, organizations still have difficulty incorporating sustainability into their strategy and operations. The reasons for this are threefold: First, many organizations do not have a clear understanding of environmental sustainability, making it difficult to set defined and measurable goals as well as a plan of action. Second, organizations do not hold senior executives accountable for achieving sustainability goals. Third, organizations are unable to effectively engage employees to enact sustainability initiatives. It will be crucial to solve these obstacles as companies strive toward sustainability

This Navigant Research report identifies key barriers preventing companies from effectively operationalizing sustainability projects. It also provides examples of successful corporate environmentally sustainable practices. This includes discussion of technology, supply chain assessment, and marketing. The report outlines specific strategy recommendations for companies in the initial stages of implementing these initiatives.

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