Honeywell Podcast: The Future Is… Dark Warehouses And Digitalization

May 1, 2023

What’s it like inside a fully automated warehouse? How can people work harmoniously with robotics? George Koutsaftes, President and CEO of Honeywell Safety and Productivity Solutions, joins the podcast to discuss.

Now more than ever, all eyes are on warehouses to get packages to stores and doorsteps faster.

“Our customers are finding that the surge of demand, and especially in the retail and e-commerce space, isn’t just during the holiday season. It’s every day. And the variability can be tremendous for them,” George Koutsaftes, President and CEO of Honeywell Safety and Productivity Solutions, said on this episode of The Future Is… podcast.

Get a sense of the symphony that is a warehouse of the future: with people, robotics, software and other automated systems working in sync to drive more efficiency and meet consumer demands.

In this episode, hear from George on the path to dark warehouses, as well as why digitalization and emerging technologies matter for companies looking to realize more sustainable outcomes.


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