Graybar Canada Markham Branch Certified as ISO 9001: 2015

October 30, 2017
Graybar Canada’s Markham Branch has demonstrated their assurance to customers of providing top-quality products and service by upgrading their certification of the Quality Management System to ISO 9001: 2015.
“I am very proud of the team in Markham for obtaining our ISO 9001:2015 certification,” said Louie Goziotis, Markham branch manager. “Being ISO certified is simply good business. It creates opportunities with new and existing customers and opens up opportunities in new vertical markets to continuously grow our business. It also promotes a culture of internal communication, training, effective process control, and especially positive customer satisfaction.”
The new standard was officially published on September 15, 2015 and required top management involvement to further enhance Graybar Canada policies, and provides a framework and guidance to those personnel assigned to manage our Quality Management System.
The newly revised ISO 9001:2015 responds to the latest market developments, and is more compatible with other management systems. The new standard is less prescriptive than the previous version; instead focusing on performance through a combination of risk-based thinking and a process approach, as well as employment of the “Plan-Do-Check-Act” cycle at all levels in the organization.
“Providing all employees with clear expectations and the tools to do their job gives them actionable feedback on their performance,” said Goziotis. “The result of this is an improved company culture, improved service levels and satisfied customers.”