Free Webinar: Managing Teleworkers

April 10, 2020
EHRC’s free Managing Teleworkers webinar featuring Victoria Miles of Vision Wheel, being held April 23 from 12:00 to 12:45 pm, will focus on managing your remote workforce for the COVID-19 pandemic and otherwise.
Many organizations today are rightly focused on equipping their remote workforce to adjust to their new reality, which is a seismic shift for some, and a natural evolution for others. But what about managers and other leaders? Also faced with the same challenges of re-thinking their modes of working, they are being asked to lead in a whole new way. This condensed webinar will look at how to prepare for the culture shifts taking place, anticipate future challenges and share a couple of encouraging case studies of organizations that are seeing engagement outcomes improving.
Speaker: Victoria Miles of Vision Wheel
Date: Thursday, April 23, 2020
Time: 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM EDT
Go HERE to register