Electro-Federation Canada Announces 2014/2015 Executive Committee

At its April 16 Annual General Meeting, Electro-Federation Canada (EFC) announced the 2014/2015 Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. Six industry executives will provide leadership and represent the EFC membership:
• Tim Horsman, EB Horsman & Son, 2014 Chair
• Kevin Mallory, Hubbell Canada LP, formerly Chair who remains on the committee as Past-Chair.
• Nathalie Pilon, Thomas & Betts Canada, Vice-Chair
• Francois Anquetil, Sonepar Canada, Treasurer
• Joris Myny, Siemens Canada, Secretary
• Elaine Gerrie-Valentini, Gerrie Electric Wholesale Limited, Senator.
“The combined skills and expertise of this Executive Committee will provide great leadership this year and position EFC for future success in 2015,” says Jim Taggart, EFC’s President & CEO. “This team will provide all EFC members in the Canadian electrical, consumer electronics and telecommunication industries with strong strategic direction and governance for our association.”