EHRC Celebrates Leadership in Human Resources at Awards of Excellence Ceremony

Feb 25, 2020
Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) celebrated innovation and leadership in human resources best practices across Canada’s electricity sector with its annual Awards of Excellence on February 19, 2020 in Toronto.
This year’s event brought together industry stakeholders, labour, education, corporate and government partners to recognize outstanding teams and individuals making a positive difference in their organizations through visionary people management.
The Leader of the Year award was presented to Lisa Nadeau, Vice President, Human Resources at the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) for her visionary leadership and commitment to a people-first approach. Over her career at AESO, Lisa has fostered a culture of responsiveness and adaptability to change at the company and is a genuine and considerate leader who inspires her colleagues to embrace the future.
In addition to leader of the year, EHRC recognized other outstanding teams from across the sector for ground breaking work in human resources:
Innovation in HR Practices – Educational/Training Institution: Algonquin College, “We Saved You A Seat” Program
Innovation in HR Practices – Employer Award: Bruce Power, Leadership Pipeline Program
Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Award: Hydro One Employee Resource Groups
Emerging Leader of the Year: Chris Murphy, Hydro Ottawa
In her closing remarks at the award ceremony, EHRC CEO Michelle Branigan summarized this year’s awards by saying, “Every year, these Awards of Excellence are a highlight for me, our team, and our board. And every year, I am so impressed with the calibre of nominations we receive, and especially the winners we select. These awards are an important reminder of how hard we’re all working to build—and celebrate—the best teams; it’s important to take the time to recognize our successes, and the successes of the other members of our sector. A rising tide lifts all boats, and increasing our standards and practices ultimately benefits all of us.”