EFC Revamps its Product Sections and EFC Policy Advisory Committee (EPAC) with New Name Changes

EFC’s Product Sections and EFC Policy Advisory Committee are reinventing themselves, including new name changes. EFC’s Products Sections and EFC Policy Advisory Committee will now be called “Business Sections” and “EFC Technical Advisory Council (ETAC)” respectively.
For the past 30+ years, EFC’s Product Sections have been the platform for member companies in similar product verticals to collaborate on technical issues that are of common interest, including matters related to Codes and Standards. With the passing of time, the Product Sections have evolved to take on a broad scope of topics pertaining to Member interests and Industry as a whole. The scope extends beyond a product focus, therefore it was apt to rename the Product Sections to Business Sections.
EPAC had its origins in the times when EEMAC and the Electrical Council were part of EFC. Given that EEMAC and the Electrical Council no longer exist at EFC, it was time to update the form and function of this EFC body. The purpose of the EFC Technical Advisory Council (ETAC) is to provide a forum for Business Sections to discuss and act on matters that are of common interest across more than one Business Section.
EFC’s Gurvinder Chopra and Rob McIntyre, spearheaded this initiative with the Operating Procedures Task Group to confirm the structure and governance of ETAC and the Business Sections and provide a reference document for operations consistent with the EFC By-Law.
“Member needs and the business environment continually evolved over time. The newly introduced Operating Procedures codify how business is currently conducted within the Sections and ETAC. Any matter that may impact Members’ business affairs can be introduced to a Section for consideration and action. The framework to do so has been redefined and brought current,” says Rob McIntyre, Manager, Business Sections.
Introduced are EFC’s eleven Business Sections for members to participate in:
- Distribution Equipment
- Dry Type Transformer
- Re-Vamped! EFC Technical Advisory Council (ETAC) – formerly known as EPAC
- Electric Heat
- NEW! Electric Vehicle Systems
- Industrial Control
- Joint Distribution & Power Transformers
- Lighting
- Motor & Generator
- Wire & Cable
- Wiring Supplies
EFC Manufacturer Members are strongly encouraged to get involved to ensure their company’s interests are represented in the development of codes and standards and other important industry matters. Otherwise, decisions are being made by your competitors and others who may not necessarily share your organization’s position or business interests.