EFC Future Forum: November 2, 2016

September 11, 2016
Electro-Federation Canada’s 6th Annual Future Forum, Thinking Smarter — Channel Products, Energy, Customers & Cities, takes place November 2, 2016 in Brampton, Ontario.
The forum provides a unique opportunity to gain insight on how to strengthen and expand sales and marketing strategies, taking into account new market trends and innovation. Learn about cyber security and preventing attacks, connected lighting and intelligent cities, developing strategic relationships around leading edge technology, the future of automating our factories, and smart cities — trends, opportunities and challenges.
The presentations in this forum will widen your perspective past the next quarter and the next fiscal year, so that you can envision what the future holds for the industry…and in turn, for your company. Be challenged and step out of your comfort zone in this member- exclusive event. The EFC Marketing Awards will also be presented.
Who should attend:
• sales and marketing senior management
• marketing managers
• distributor marketing managers
• product and line managers
• customer sales representatives
• young professionals
Find out more: http://www.cvent.com/events/2016-future-forum/event-summary-4418bb423bf44057b53a4871aa23c1c2.aspx.