EFC Cancels Rescheduled 2020 Industry Conference

EIN evolve 400

May 28, 2020

As we continue to respond to the changing status with the COVID-19 outbreak, EFC is taking preventative measures to protect conference delegates from any further risks associated with this virus. After much consideration and consultation, the EFC Board has decided to cancel EFC’s Industry Conference in Banff which was rescheduled from late May to September 1 – 3, 2020. This decision was difficult but necessary for the safety of our members, employees, and the community.

One of EFC’s key mandates, is to deliver a premier national thought-leadership conference for industry members, partners, and affiliates. The conference has also been a time where the annual Industry Research report is presented and members are recognized through the Industry Awards Program for their dynamic contributions in powering a changing world. These initiatives will continue to be presented in Fall of 2020 through a virtual format. We look forward to sharing more information with you in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

What You Need to Know

  1. If you have previously booked your hotel accommodation, the Fairmont Banff Springs will be releasing the entire EFC room block over the next few days. No action is required to cancel your hotel reservation – this will automatically be administered by hotel staff.
  2. With respect to your conference registration, all delegates and companions will receive a full refund through the cvent platform.
    100% Refund will be automatically applied. No action is required.
    Refund applies to any or all of the following options you may have booked:
    – Conference Registration  
    – Head Office Meeting Rooms
    – Golf Registration & Rentals
    – CEMRA Night

On behalf of Electro-Federation Canada, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we thank you in advance for your understanding. We will come through this trying time together and we will connect face-to-face again. 

If you have any questions, or concerns, please contact Nathalie Lajoie, at nlajoie@electrofed.com


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