Education a Concern for the Next Generation

Mar 27, 2018
By Paul Eitmant
Last week I decided to travel to visit an old friend in sunny Napa, CA. Well, the day I arrived we did see some sun. Then it rained the rest of my trip. Therefore I had some time to conduct an interview with Phil Frame, VP Sales and Marketing for QuadLogic.
I asked Phil what was the number 1 concern he sees in our industry. Phil responded with the following:
• The next generation is not prepared to handle the upcoming challenges in our industry.
• Our generation (over 60) has been educated but the next generation has not taken all next steps to prepare them for the situations and challenges facing them in the future.
I followed up asking to for more detail (formal, trade schools and/or on the job training). Listed below were his responses.
• Lack of knowledge of competitions features and related benefits
• Standards in the industry, Canadian electrical
• Lack of on-the-job situations
I was taken aback because of all the media and internet usage in the Next Gen world. So I continued my research.
Merriam-Webster definition:
1. The action or process of educating or of being educated; also: a stage of such a process
2. The knowledge and development resulting from an educational process
3. The field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools definition:
1. The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
2. The act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession.
3. A degree, level, or kind of schooling: a university education.
4. The result produced by instruction, training, or study: to show one’s education.
Consider that the most important role of customer service, inside and outside sales people is to answer the questions, solve the problem and recommend the best product/ service possible.
This brings up the an old saying, “We are never too old to learn new things.”
My suggestion is that we should review our ongoing educational and training programs in our organizations and make additions if needed.
At the same time, a mentorship program for our new employees is always great tool to make sure they are aware of your own past experiences you encounter in your career path.
Paul Eitmant is President and CEO of IP Group International, which serves the needs of business-to-business enterprises in over 30 countries worldwide by adding specialized expertise to the business planning and implementation process; Tel: 480.488.5646;