E.B. Horsman & Son: New eCommerce Site Goes Live

E.B. Horsman & Son

After months of beta testing, E.B. Horsman & Son has launched a new, fully functional ecommerce site.

The site includes a number of new features, such as

  • mobile accessibility. Shop, review your invoices and orders, see stock availability and more right on your smartphone
  • downloadable custom price lists. With a new export tool, you can now download your pricing lists for easy quoting, bidding, price referencing, and more
  • autocomplete product number tool. Don’t know the whole part number? Now all you need to remember are the first 3 characters of the E.B. Horsman & Son product ID.
  • refreshed design. The updated site applies the latest e-commerce trends for easier navigation and shopping
  • faster speed so you can get your shopping done quickly and efficiently
  • saving your invoices as a PDF. Misplaced an invoice? Want to go paperless? This new feature gives you the option of saving your invoice as a PDF
  • viewing your fulfillment location. You can now clearly see or change the location at which your online order will be fulfilled

E.B. Horsman & Son, the largest independently owned and operated electrical wholesaler in Western Canada, has 21 locations.

Find out more: http://ebhorsman.com/blog/eCommerce

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