E.B. Horsman & Son Donates a Cumulative Total of $1 Million to BC Children’s Hospital Foundation

CEW EBH donation 400

Sept 15, 2020

Since 1993, E.B. Horsman & Son(EBH) has been a proud supporter of BC Children’s Hospital Foundation (BCCHF), helping provide the bestcare for children across British Columbia.

In EBH’s 120th Anniversary year, their employees,suppliers, and customers worked together to doubletheir annual fundraising efforts and donated over $100,000 to BCCHF. This significantly contributed to EBH reaching its cumulative donation of $1 million dollars!

Giving back is fundamental to E.B. Horsman & Son’s company values, and funds raised are designated to two areas of significant demand:

The first is the Excellence in Child Health Fund, which supports much-neededequipment, research and programs within the hospital.

The second is a specific program within the Child Life area called ‘Beads of Courage. ’EBH is particularly proud of their involvement in this program, which helps supportchildren facing major surgeries, difficult procedures, and long hospital stays away fromhome within the Oncology department. Each bead they receive symbolizes a specificprocedure or significant event, so when these children hold onto their bead strands, it isa reminder of their strength and encourages them to keep fighting.

“Our employees, customers and suppliers, are the heart and soul of our fundraising campaignfor BC Children’s Hospital,” said Tim Horsman, President and CEO of E.B. Horsman & Son. “We are so proud of the incredible collective effort to reach this $1 Million milestone in our 120thanniversary year. As our company has grown across Western Canada, so too has our supportfor pediatric hospitals and healthcare in Edmonton, Calgary and Saskatoon.”

As global concerns surrounding COVID-19 arose during this year’s fundraising campaign, E.B.Horsman employees were able to pivot and come up with creative fundraising initiatives thatdidn’t require in-person interactions.

E.B. Horsman & Son sincerely thanks everyone who has and continues to support theirfundraising efforts that help ensure that all hospitalized children in Western Canada get the specialized pediatric service and care they need.


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