Direction from Within – Your Stories Matter

February 2, 2022
As we move forward into 2022 it is important to step back and ask yourself what the electrical wholesale market can do for you, but also what you can do to support the market. With so many discussions currently surrounding The Great Resignation, and even more about the issues in the supply chain we often forget the little things that make this market special. And by this, I mean the people and connections all across Canada that are the true drivers of the market.
I made a commitment in my editor’s message to do all I can to be an industry member first, and I am devoted to that. But as I noted in the title of this piece the opinions of those within the market, and the stories that they have to tell matter.
A big part of what I want to do is tell the stories of the market, from the side of the wholesaler and from the buyer. As I look ahead this slot in each issue of CEW moving forward is going to be devoted to the people in this market and the stories they have to tell.
Have you ever gone above and beyond with a client?
How do you react when you get panicked calls from Electrical Contractors on a deadline?
Ever made a personal delivery or helped a contractor in some other way?
Have you developed new ways of operating that helps your distributor / branch / warehouse?
Do you want to call out the fantastic work of your team / colleagues / or even clients?
We want to learn about these stories and share them with your peers. So many people go above and beyond in this industry and, lets give that credit where it is due.
Reach out to Owen Hurst, to share your story and call someone else out. And yes, we can make your story anonymous as well!
I look forward to reading and sharing the positive stories from all across Canada.