Convectair Hosts Second “Watchful Home” Meeting



June 18, 2018

Convectair, a manufacturer and distributor of high-performance electric heating products installed in Quebec, hosted a second meeting of its “Watchful Home” community of interest. This second event organized in the form of a panel took place within the framework of Movin’On, the world summit on sustainable mobility, organized by Michelin. More than 50 participants attended the event combining active members of the Watchful Home community as well as experts in sustainable mobility.

“The Watchful Home” community of interest is part of Convectair’s long-term vision of energy efficiency and the search for constant improvement in the comfort of its customers.

This meeting explored how the concepts of a Watchful Home and sustainable mobility intersect. Three speakers were invited to explore this connection from different angles, including:

• the possibilities of internal architectural mobility offered by a Watchful Home

• new services that a Watchful Home could offer citizens with reduced mobility as well as seniors

• the method a Watchful Home could use vehicles to rally the concept of an energy efficient home and that of sustainable mobility seeking to reduce its environmental footprint
Together, the participants discovered that such a Watchful Home could actually use its internal potential as well as external tools, such as vehicles, to push the limits of the comfort and well-being offered by a home. This notion opens the door to new possibilities for services and products that can meet the needs of consumers.

“The Watchful Home” community of interest aims in particular to develop the theme of a caring home, original refinement of smart home evolved and humanistic. It also seeks to feed the reflection on the real needs of the consumers concerning the improvement of comfort and access to products and services that promote quality of life and well-being. This community will conduct workshops several times a year with the aim of leading to a rational, thoughtful and targeted realization of products and services desired by consumers.

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