Canadian Electricity Association Recognizes Electric Utilities with Health and Safety Awards

At a recent Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) 2015 Occupational Health and Safety Awards reception in St. John’s NFLD, the following utilities were recognized for safety excellence: ENMAX Corporation, Columbia Power Corporation, Ontario Power Generation Inc., Capital Power Corporation, Saint John Energy, AltaLink, Hydro Ottawa, New Brunswick Power Corporation, City of Medicine Hat, Electric Utility, FortisAlberta Inc., Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, and Northwest Territories Power Corporation.
CEA compiles data from its corporate utility members annually, noting a trend of fewer health and safety-related incidents in the workplace each year. Since 2009, there has been a 19.55% decrease in the injury/illness frequency rate of participating electric utilities.
“As the electricity industry sets a path for the future, CEA members are committed to creating safe working environments,” said Francis Bradley, CEA’s Vice President of Policy Development and Chief Operating Officer. “The winners of this year’s Occupational Health and Safety Awards have fulfilled their mandate to deliver reliable electricity services to Canadians, while demonstrating the highest degree of safety for employees, contractors, and the public.”
CEA’s Occupational Health and Safety program provides a member-driven forum for health and safety professionals to develop strategic partnerships and forward-thinking initiatives focused on improving overall safety performance of the electric utility industry.