AD Canada Welcomes Rogers Electrical Wholesale

We are pleased to announce that Rogers Electrical Wholesale, headquartered in Summerside, PEI, is the newest Affiliate member of AD Canada! Rogers Electrical Wholesale has an extensive history in Atlantic Canada dating back to the mid 1800’s. They are a valued addition to our membership and we are proud to include them in our group.
Rogers Electrical Wholesale was formed in 1997 after the owner of the mid 1800’s organization “Rogers Hardware,” which sold hardware and electrical products in both Charlottetown and Summerside PEI, passed away
and the remaining family decided to dissolve the business.
Mr. Drummond approached the family and bought the remaining assets pertaining to the electrical wholesale business. Drummond decided to continue business in the Summerside location. In 2008 he expanded the business
and built a new building across the street, increasing space by over 4000 sq feet.