ABB Wins EFC Marketing Award

December 14, 2017
ABB Canada has received an EFC (Electro-Federation Canada) Marketing Award, which celebrates the inauguration of ABB Canada’s new corporate headquarters, Campus Montreal and its state-of-the-art immersive digital environment, Customer Innovation Center.
The EFC Marketing Awards recognizes members demonstrating marketing excellence and innovation within the Canadian electrical manufacturing and distribution industry. Comprised of six award categories, ABB was recognized for excellence in Event/Trade Show.
The EFC Marketing Awards submissions was judged by a panel of electrical & electronics industry and non-industry experts. The criteria and evaluation for this category was based on whether the event met its objectives and whether the best practices demonstrated met criteria for each of the following, pre-event, event and post-event.
ABB inaugurated its new ultra-modern high-tech center, Campus Montreal on May 24th 2017. The $90 million facility is located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and serves over 700 employees who were previously spread across six locations in Greater Montreal.
The award- winning event kicked off with a presentation from ABB’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Ulrich Spiesshofer and included other notable speakers and attendees such as, The Honourable Bill Morneau, Federal Minister of Finance, Jean-Marc Fournier, Provincial Minister responsible for Canadian relations and Mayor Alain DeSousa, of Saint Laurent.
The day celebrated the notion that writing the digital future takes ability. ABB Ability™. Visitors were invited to take part in a special tour of the brand new Customer Innovation Center, a truly immersive digital environment that introduces visitors to the power a unified, cross-industry digital capability can bring to industry.
ABB was pleased to have the opportunity to open its doors to customers, partners and industry representatives during this key event that reaffirmed ABB’s commitment to Canada as a growth market and an important customer base. This important recognition from EFC further underscores our promise to continue to innovate and drive the fourth industrial revolution in Canada.