EFC’s 2023 Distributor Corporate Engagement Award Recipient is Rexel Canada

July 15, 2024

EFC’s 2023 Distributor Corporate Engagement Award was presented to Rexel Canada at the 2024 EFC Industry Conference in Banff, AB.

This award is given to an EFC member company that demonstrates leadership in committee and event participation as well as supports EFC sponsorship programs. The corporate engagement award contenders and the final recipient are chosen by the EFC Board of Directors.

Rexel is one of Canada’s major distributors of electrical products and is a long-standing member of EFC. With 194 branches across Canada and 2,100 employees Rexel serves a large range of segments within the electrical industry under its four banners, Nedco, Westburne, Rexel Atlantic and Rexel Utility.

Rexel has multiple employees who currently sit on an EFC committee or network, including the Board of Directors, all three regional committees, the National Advisory Committee, Young Professionals Network, and many more.

EFC correspondents spoke with Jeffrey Moyle, CEO, Rexel Canada, about why it was important for Rexel to be engaged with EFC.

“What ends up happening is once we have some of our team cross pollinating and exchanging ideas with our competitors, supplies, customers and other industry members it elevates the way that we think about our problems and the community we live in” stated Moyle “We don’t have to live in isolation.”

EFC congratulates Rexel on this achievement, and thanks all the team members for their involvement within EFC.

Nominating a company or individual for their hard work, dedication to the industry, and accomplishments builds the community to grow, lead, and compete in an ever-changing world. Recognition can breed success.


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