EFC Q2 2019 Business Confidence Survey & Opinion Poll Results

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Aug 2, 2019

EFC conducts a quarterly Business Confidence Survey & Opinion Poll, inviting key association contacts to participate. Respondents are asked to compare their current quarter and next quarter sales, against the same periods last year.  A record 105 key member contacts provided their feedback for this quarter.

Business Confidence Results:

  • 47% of respondents felt their Q2 2019 business was better/much bettercompared to Q2 2018, with 16% reporting worse sales, and 37% reporting no change
  • Looking ahead, 56% of respondents expect Q3 2019 sales to be better/much better compared to Q2 2019
  • Expectations out one year remain positive, with 63% expecting sales to be better/much better.  When asked the same question in Q1 – this percentage was significantly higher – at 72%

Opinion Poll Results:

For this quarter, members were asked how the trade issues between Canada and the US over the last two years have impacted their business. 59% felt a negative impact to some degree.

Go HERE for the full report

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