Electrical Industry Veteran Maureen Bzowy Retires


After 13 years, Maureen Bzowy retired from E.B. Horsman & Son (EBH) on May 31. Bzowy has been in the Canadian Electrical Industry since 1966 and has worked in nearly every role that can be found in the industry. Staring in administration, Bzowy has been in sales, warehousing, purchasing, Assistant Manager of Marketing, Executive Vice President and eventually VP Marketing at EBH. 

“When I think of Maureen and her contribution to EB Horsman, several words come to mind: honest, direct, passionate, caring, dedicated, resilient and family,” commented Tim Horsman, president and CEO. “Maureen’s dedication to what is best for our company cannot be replicated and we will be a different company without her at the office every day. I take comfort in the fact that her Carvelleadership values have been set so deeply and broadly in our organization that she will influence our company, our decisions, for years to come. Maureen represents the fiercely independent and pioneering spirit upon which this company was founded – she will always be a part of the Horsman Family!”

Tyson Carvell will succeed Bzowy. He has worked with E.B. Horsman as District Branch Manager for the Lower Mainland since 2011. Tyson has an extensive educational background which includes a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Alberta and a Certificate in Marketing Management from the UBC Sauder School of Business – all assets in his new role. “With 15+ years of technical, sales, management and marketing experience with Siemens, E.B. Horsman and other related companies, Tyson is a valued asset to our team,” the company said. 

She has been the past chair of the Canadian Affiliated Distributors Marketing Committee and has been on many other committees with BCEA and AD over the years. “Her vast knowledge and involvement in the industry has been monumental in building what we have at EBH today,” the company said. 


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