3 Big Benefits of Having an Emergency Opening Service for Customers

Emergency Opening Service


Murphy’s Law states that “expect the worst to happen at the worst possible time.” Contractors and other service industry professionals know this better than anyone else. However, it is not usually possible for contractors and service professionals to carry every single possible part or product necessary to help fix any possible emergency problem. They use distributors and vendors to pick up necessary products as needed.

Here are three big benefits of having an emergency opening service for any business that works with these contractors and service professionals.

3. Customer confidence and peace of mind

Your customers’ customers can know that their contractor can handle problems 24/7 and get the job done. Your customers are at ease knowing that they can get access to the products and tools they need at any time with one call. All parties involved know the standard fee for the emergency opening service, so there is no question or confusion about the added cost of this convenience. When contractors knows they have the ability to get what they need when they need it, they can focus on his work and taking care of their customers any time.

2. Emergencies become manageable

An emergency call is never a good thing to get. However, once the emergency has happened, it’s happened. Then it’s time to fix the problem as quickly and effectively as possible to minimize damages. The emergency opening service provides contractors and service personnel with access to products and tools they need from your business at any time. This allows quicker response, cleanup, and resolution of the emergency issue. Quicker fixes mean happier customers and less stressed out contractors.

1. Building and strengthening a partnership

As a distributor or vendor to business customers, your relationship with them is incredibly important. If a vendor has a reputation for opening late or closing early, it will cost them business. Contractors and service professionals need dependability from their vendors. This comes from an earned trust. What better way to continue to earn their trust by having an emergency opening service that allows them 24/7 access to the products they need? By helping them in a desperate time of need situation, you become an invaluable part of their business and what they do. This bond strengthens with each helpful interaction, and the emergency opening service is all about helping.

This article was first published as a blog by CapitalTristate, an electrical distributor in the U.S. Mid Atlantic.

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