100+ Manufacturers Achieve IDW Compliance

More than 100 manufacturer accounts have reached at least 95% compliance for their items in the Industry Data Warehouse (IDW), meeting an October 1 compliance deadline within the Data Certification Program (IDEA)’s Data Certification Program.
“We presented IDW manufacturers with an ambitious goal of achieving compliance by October 1, and they rose to the challenge,” says Paul Molitor, President & CEO, IDEA. “1.4 million SKUs are now fully-attributed and available to distributors and contractors.”
An item is identified as “compliant” if its critical data fields are completely populated with product information (e.g., images, spec sheets, safety data sheets, etc.). Since the launch of the Data Certification Program in February 2015, the IDW has seen dramatic growth of over 8,000% from 16,000 compliant items.
For the past year, emphasis has primarily been placed on achieving compliance, one of two metrics within the Data Certification Program. Compliance will remain a priority moving forward, and efforts will also be expanded to include the second metric (“excellence”), which assesses the quality of the compliant data. IDEA will certify and promote only compliant items that pass these quality checks from manufacturers with IDW for Manufacturer annual support contracts in place.
IDEA is the official technology service provider and eBusiness standards body of the electrical industry. The company helps thousands of manufacturers and distributors find the most cost-effective methods for running day-to-day business. IDEA was founded in 1998 through a partnership rooted in the collective leadership of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED) members.
The following manufacturers have all achieved at least 95% compliance for their IDW items, meeting the October 1 deadline and taking a position of data leadership within the industry: